Mazars supports the launch of Marianne Abib-Pech’s book “The Financial Times Guide to Leadership”

There’s no single answer to the leadership conundrum. So this book doesn’t promise one. Instead, it articulates what it means to be a good leader into skills and responsibilities that can be learnt.

About the “Financial Times Guide to Leadership”


It looks at the things that will really make the difference, at the heart of which, is the drive behind the people who make it to the top.

It represents a wide view of leadership, drawing on interviews and interactions with more than fifty talented individuals ranging from corporate leaders, to successful entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, including the CEO of eBay Marketplace, the founder of the Mr and Mrs Smith website and the Chief Executive of Big Issue Invest.

The Financial Times Guide to Leadership is available from Financial Times Publishing:

Why Mazars decided to support the book’s launch

Many books have been written on leadership. Very few, if any, have been written by an author whose own experience so aptly illustrates the emerging career path for modern leaders. Marianne Abib-Pech - French, who made a vertiginous climb to top executive positions in London and Hong Kong for some of the most prestigious global blue chips - offers a view on leadership which hits the nail on the head in a particularly relevant, fresh, and modern manner.

Mazars’ vision of leadership is aligned with Marianne’s ; the quality of our leadership is what has allowed us to maintain our relevance and independence in the highly competitive industry of audit and advisory services and there is a growing emphasis on preparing our leaders of tomorrow.

Today the subject of leadership is critical when navigating diverse economic conditions combined with fast-changing social trends. However, executive education programs have largely remained unchanged despite important changes in the business environment.

At Mazars, we have decided to pioneer our own solution to leadership development, by pooling leaders of today and tomorrow in an ambitious in-house MBA initiative. This program, tested internally on our senior

executives and now open to external companies, offers its own definition of leadership: it is no longer about solitary visionaries, or all-around experts. Developing individual leaders is easy and empty. The real discerning factor is about creating a community of leaders; a community that itself embodies these three ''dimensions''– diversity, ability to embrace the paradigm shift from competition to inclusiveness, and to thrive in a globally connected environment.

About the author

Marianne Abib-Pech has led a highly successful international career in finance. She has worked for some of the most admired corporations of the past twenty years, from Arthur Andersen and Motorola to General Electric and finally Shell, as Global CFO of one of their downstream divisions.

Throughout her career, Marianne has been exposed to the best leadership training possible and has been instrumental in developing leaders within and outside her own teams. She is the founder of Leaders!, a global leadership consultancy and think tank operating in Europe and Asia.

Marianne is a regular columnist in The Huffington PostThe Independent and Global Corporate VenturingThe Financial Times Guide to Leadership is her first book. 

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