Round table organized on December 19th, by the IIRC, NYSE Euronext, CAPITALCOM and ESSEC business school

As part of Mazars’ strong involvement in the development of Integrated Reporting within the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Nick Landrot, Senior Manager Mazars, will take part in the round table organized on December 19th, by the IIRC, NYSE Euronext, CAPITALCOM and ESSEC business school.

Thismeeting with a broad audience completes our different activities with Frenchbusinesses (CAC 40 & SBF 120) and investors.  Indeed since September 2013, several French businesses and investors regularly meet to work on the operational deployment of the Integrated Reporting in their organizations to structure an IntegratedReport.

After months of consultation with organizations around the world, the IIRC is scheduled to publish its international framework in December.