New Centre to promote dialogue between FTSE350 audit committees and investors

Mazars and three leading institutional investors in the UK and internationally (Hermes Fund Managers, RPMI Railpen Investments and USS), have launched the Centre for Audit Committee and Investor Dialogue to promote dialogue between FTSE350 audit committees and investors

It comes at a time of heightened awareness among investors of the critical role played by independent, high quality audits, and the need for improved understanding of the work of audit committees.

The Centre for Audit Committee and Investor Dialogue will provide regular opportunities for discussion between audit committee chairs of FTSE350 companies and leading institutional investors on topics of mutual interest. Where helpful, a short report on issues discussed and emerging views will be made available to all FTSE350 audit committee chairs.

It is envisaged that in its first year the Centre will focus on a range of topics such as developing more effective communication between audit committees and investors; risk management and internal audit; protecting auditor independence; audit tendering; and ensuring the annual report is an effective communication channel.

The inaugural meeting will be held on 20 September 2012.