Mazars featured in Winter Issue of Board Agenda
Mazars featured in Winter Issue of Board Agenda
The mission and topics addressed within Board Agenda fits under Mazars’ Business. For Good program and features articles from Mazars’ thought leaders both in print and online.
New standard on anti-bribery
The new ISO anti-bribery tool is well timed, shares Howard Shaw, Mazars’ head of anti-corruption and whistleblowing in the UK. “While there is a plethora of guidance on how to manage bribery risk, of varying qualities, there has been no single benchmarking standard that is internationally recognised,” he says.
As part of our sponsorship of Board Agenda, Howard makes a case for ISO 37001. To read the full article and more information on the implications of the new standard, visit Board Agenda here.
Measuring Governance
A healthy corporate culture is much like a healthy political culture: it thrives in an environment where engagement and fairness are valued and people feel they have a genuine stake in the future. “There needs to be fair treatment of, and good engagement with, all key stakeholders,” says Anthony Carey, a Partner at Mazars, where he leads the board practice in the UK. “That’s still a big issue for boards to address.”
In the Winter edition of Board Agenda, Anthony Carey elaborates on the need for a greater focus on key metrics for measuring success in corporate governance. Read the full article on Board Agenda here.
The need for Engaged Boards
Boardroom leaders are coping with a rapid rate of change, writes Anthony Carey, and must therefore remain focused on building long-term, sustainable success. Succeeding in a world of complex change, where reputations that have taken decades to build can be cast aside in minutes, is best achieved by truly engaged boards.
In this article, Anthony Carey outlines the questions to ask that determine if you are a member of an engaged board. The full article can be read here.
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