Internationalisation - the next challenge for FinTechs?

As a founder member of the FinTech chair launched by Paris Dauphine University, Mazars is proud to take part in the first conference of the programme organised in Paris on 15 March as part of the House of Finance Days 2019.

The international development of a bank assumes the capacity to mobilise very signifant resources, whether financial (capital, liquidity), operational (infrastructure, information systems, supervisory mechanisms) or human (commercial teams, senior bankers). Size therefore seems to be a decisive factor. The FinTech development model appears to mark a complete break with the approach taken by banks and it is interesting to consider whether the very strengths that enable them to emerge at national level instead represent limits to international growth.

About the event 

Internationalisation - the next challenge for FinTechs?

15/03/2019 - 16:00 to 18:30

Paris-Dauphine University, Salle Raymond Aron
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75016 Paris

Plenary session with:
Romain Liquard, Economist at Crédit Agricole SA. (specialising in FinTechs, Crowdfunding)

Round table led by:
Laura Pironnet, editorial director of Fintech Mag
With the participation of:
Emmanuel Dooseman, Partner, Global Head of Banking, Mazars
Fabrice Marsella, CEO, Le Village par CA Paris
Rémy Bellavoine, Co-founder of the FinTech Chekk
Jean-Cyrille Girardin, Chief Executive France, Alipay

This conference is organised by the FinTech chair as part of the of House of Finance Days 2019.

For more information and to register, click here.

Emmanuel Dooseman
Emmanuel Dooseman Partner, Global Head of Banking - New York, United States

Detailed profile