Covid-19: Mazars’ response
As a firm, we are committed to acting responsibly and are taking the necessary actions to prevent contagion and protect our people and the communities we interact with. Our priorities, as a group, have been:
- to put in place all the necessary health measures to protect people
- to secure business continuity plans to enable us to sustain our service to clients and support them throughout the crisis
To guide the firm’s response, Mazars Group has convened its Crisis Global Taskforce, which has set clear priorities for our international partnership to respond to this crisis:
Safeguarding people
The safety and wellbeing of our people, our clients and the communities we interact with is our top priority, whilst continuing to operate our business and meet our clients’ needs.
We have suspended all business travel and international gatherings until further notice.
We are continually monitoring the situation around the world and remain focused and ready to adjust or reinforce our guidelines as needed.
Resilience, agility and business continuity: maintaining quality services to our clients
Mazars is a modern firm, fully supportive of agile working and we have the technology and capabilities in place to enable our people to work remotely. These capabilities have been extended, tested and, where necessary, implemented to ensure business continuity and service delivery.
Our teams remain focused on clients and delivering quality services to them. In addition to our core work, our experts are giving advice and guidance to help clients navigate this crisis, sharing content via our various communication channels.
We aim to operate our business as normally as possible and have robust business continuity plans in place. We have ensured these plans are tested and actioned when and where needed to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 across our international operations.
Working as one partnership around the world, supporting each other
Mazars’ Group management team is in close contact with our offices in all of our countries to identify and provide additional support when and where is needed. Our unique integrated model means we work as one united partnership around the world, showing solidarity and support to one another, particularly in these challenging times.
The situation is changing rapidly around the world, and we continue to monitor developments regularly and carefully, ensuring we are well prepared and acting as necessary as the crisis evolves.
Mazars remains fully committed to serving its clients and caring for the safety and wellbeing of its people, its clients and the community in which we operate.
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