COP21: Mazars sponsors the “Global Youth, Climate and Employment” survey

Mazars wished to join in the struggle against global warming by supporting the 2015 ScenaRio project launched by Nomadéis for the COP21. Piloted by Nomadéis, the survey also benefits from the support of Axa, Nielsen and Saint-Gobain.
A major global survey of youth on the theme employment and climate, the study will feed the discussions at the Paris Climate Conference that will be held from 30 November to 11 December 2015

“Green” Economy:  How can we transform the climate constraint into opportunities for our youth?

In the context of the World Climate Conference, COP21, Mazars is supporting this major global survey of 6,000 youth (ages 18 to 29) across 12 countries.  The survey, “Global Youth, Climate, employment and social inclusion in Europe”, aims to explain how young people (students and professionals) perceive and/or experience the employment and training opportunities that arise from “green” development.

Tomorrow, what will be the impact of the climate change on job markets? What will be its impact on education and training systems? What kind of trainings are there to cope with global warming? How can we transform this constraint into new jobs for young people?

Launched by Nomadéis with the help of numerous partners of the likes of Axa, Nielsen, Saint-Gobain and the UN Global Compact, the study will be presented at various meetings during the COP21.

Strong initiatives in favour of CSR and Shared Value

A partnership founded on shared value

Mazars and Nomadéis created a collective thinking laboratory in order to foster, and create shared value: vaLuABle.   With innovation as its driving force, this partnership aims to offer economic actors concrete solutions to measure a company’s value creation. 

Integrated reporting

Fully committed to transparency, Mazars was the first audit group to publish an annual report in 2004.  In 2014, we decided to take the next step and embark on a journey towards integrated reporting. 

Our dedication to sustainable development

Our CSR strategy was revised in 2008 with our Partnership Social Responsibility (PSR), fully in line with our core values: independence, integrity, responsibility and diversity.

Among the main objectives of our PSR is the fight against climate change.

Our regular publications on topics such as energy transition, diversity, responsible purchasing and non-financial reporting allow us to directly participate in the evolution of behaviours towards sustainable development as a whole.