Mazars, partner of the Funding & Capital Markets Forum 2015 in Milan

Mazars is partnering with the Italian Banking Association’s "Funding & Capital Markets Forum" to be held in Milan on 23 April 2015.

The Italian Banking Association is organising its second major Forum on the theme of funding instruments for banks and businesses, capital markets and investment banking.

Particular attention will be given to the covered bonds,  securitisation and  hybrid instruments. The Forum will also focus on opportunities for access to capital markets by corporates, such as corporate bonds, commercial papers, mini-bonds.

This event represents a unique opportunity for operators in the sector to meet and share experiences in a high-level forum bringing together the banking industry, regulatory and supervisory authorities, consultancy and auditing firms, SGR, SIM, rating agencies, law firms, Italian and foreign investors, investment banks, issuers, businesses and other stakeholders from various countries.

We look forward to meeting you on this occasion.

For further information and to register, please visit ABIEventi website


23 April 2015


ABI Congress Centre

Via Olona, 2,

I-20123 Milano
