A tribute to Madiba

Mazars Group is saddened by the passing away of Nelson Mandela and joins Mazars in South Africa in mourning his death.

As a sponsor of the “South Africa and France” Seasons organized by Institut Français in 2012/13, Mazars would like to share the below « tribute to Madiba” from Mazars’ South African team.

“Tata” Nelson Mandela was the "Father of our Nation", an icon, a peacemaker, a role model, an inspiration to us all and his death leaves a void that will be felt by all for a long time to come.

Madiba became a global icon for steadfastly sticking to his belief that South Africa could achieve the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It was an ideal for which he was prepared to die.

Born on July 18th 1918 in the Village of Mveso in the Transkei, Madiba was the son of Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela, a principal to the Thembu people.

He was born into an oppressed generation and from an early age was aware of the differences, along racial lines, that divided our beautiful country. It was through quiet observation that a steely resolve was formed to fight back against the discrimination and inhumanity that relegated South Africans of colour to the status of second class citizens.

Since his release from prison and subsequent election to the highest office in the land, Madiba became the unifier of the nation bringing together South African citizens of all races and cultures, breaking down barriers, alleviating fears and setting the foundation for building a stronger nation.

On behalf of the partners and staff of Mazars South Africa, we convey our heartfelt condolences to Madiba’s family. We share your loss and pain and know that he is in a better place, free of the pain and suffering he has had to endure, not only in his final days but throughout his life that he gave as a sacrifice for the freedom of his people.

Rest in Peace Madiba. Hamba Kahle Tata.

Hilton Saven, Managing Partner of Mazars in South Africa

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