2018 Mazars Global Automotive Study

Mazars automotive expert community, together with the industry experts from IHS, are pleased to present the 2018 global study on sustainable mobility.

From fossil energy to electricity; from ownership based model to a shared-economy driven model; from a licensed-driver-only model to driverless vehicles, changes happen both to the vehicle itself and to the way we use them.

Gregory quote_CN

5 strategies to survive the disruption - 5

Automotive Study banner China


The study includes a roundtable discussion between Mazars’ global leaders of automotive practices and industry experts from IHS Markit, followed by seven Mazars country leaders of automotive practices. We also conducted several mini case studies about the impact of sustainable mobility solutions on some major cities worldwide.

Christian back_CN



这份研究报告包括了Mazars全球汽车业务领导人、IHS Markit 汽车行业专家,以及七个国家的Mazars汽车业务领导人展开的一场圆桌讨论。我们也进行了几个小型案例研究,探索了可持续交通对世界上一些主要城市的影响。


Interested to know more about this publication? Please fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride! Click download below for the whole study!

想要知道更多有关于这份研究报告的信息吗?系好你的安全带,点击下载 ,一起享受这趟行程吧!


Sustainable Mobility-Mazars Global Automotive Study 2018

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