Committing to #InspireInclusion on International Women's Day 2024 and beyond

When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. This year, on 8 March, we join the global movement to not only celebrate the importance of gender inclusion, but also take it one step further by making commitments that lead to meaningful change.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are key topics on our executive agenda. We understand that to keep our workplace fit for the future, we must ensure we are creating an environment where women feel included, empowered and have a sense of belonging.

To foster a truly inclusive workplace, it is imperative that we acknowledge that stereotypes against women exist, despite their unwarranted nature. By actively educating ourselves on these biases, we can collectively dismantle them and build a place where everyone can thrive.

Excluding women in the workplace comes with a great risk. Women, and those who identify as women, might not feel as if they belong due to open or subtle discrimination. This can lead to a myriad of unwanted consequences not only from a social standpoint, but also from an economical one. We know that on the long run social exclusion closes doors to important networks and future promotions. Consequently, women are deprived access to leadership positions and influence.

Actively promoting gender inclusion democratises a commodity that should be considered a human right. Everyone deserves a seat at the table, a safe space to openly share their opinions as well as a community that supports and advances one another.

At Forvis Mazars we pride ourselves in being inclusive by design, which is why on International Women’s Day 2024, we don’t just want to show our solidarity in inspiring inclusion, we want to share the concrete actions and commitments we have made around the world within our organisation to promote gender inclusion.

"When I started my career, the workplace was very different from today. While I am adamant in my belief that we still have a long way to go, I am glad to see the progress we have made in inviting all genders to express their unique selves and talents. I now see a workplace that is more inclusive to diverse perspectives, and the tangible improvements that have come as a result of that are important. It’s not easy to think about the journey and hardship that many female leaders have had to endure just to access the same networks and positions as men. My own personal learning journey has taught me that it takes an active effort and long-term commitment to foster gender inclusion. Including women where and when it matters does not happen automatically by simply stating you are in favour of ‘being equal’, we must take purposeful action." 
Hervé Hélias, Chairman, Forvis Mazars Group

Hear directly from our leaders below and don’t hesitate to check back in next year to take stock of our progress.


















