Sree Prakash Senior Partner

Sree Prakash heads the Training Services department responsible for implementing client training and talent development strategies, as well as all internal trainings within Forvis Mazars. He further provides a range of advisory services to private & public sector clients including, Outsourcing, Tax and Management Consultancy, and Project Finance. During the last 18 years, Sree Prakash has provided such services to clients from different sectors within Botswana, including manufacturing, trading, farming and service organizations. As an expert in Botswana Tax Laws, he has worked as a guest lecturer at University of Botswana for more than 12 years. Sreeprakash is also an active member of Lobatse Business Council and treasurer of Lions Club in Lobatse.
Professional memberships
BSc (Mathematics). ACA (Ind) FCA (Bots).