Massimiliano Vento Legal Partner

Massimiliano Vento

Massimiliano is a lawyer with over 25 years of experience in assisting national and international companies and groups on corporate law, M&A and business restructuring matters.

He coordinates interdisciplinary teams of professionals in the areas of contract review projects, extraordinary corporate transactions and restructuring procedures, acquisition of companies and holdings, as well as privatization processes.

He formerly worked as partner in “Big Four” networks since in 2002 and - from 2006 to 2012 – he worked as chief litigation manager for a big Italian food & beverage corporate group.

He teaches as speaker at many courses and seminars on M&A, Insolvency Law and Economic And Business Law and he was member of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) study and reform Commission of the Italian Chambers Council (Unioncamere).

He served as Honorary Judge until 2015 and has been bankruptcy receiver and liquidator appointed by the Ministry of Economic Development, for insolvency and compulsory liquidation procedures.

He’s fluent in English.

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