Marco Lumeridi Audit Partner

Marco joined Mazars in 2001 and he is a registered auditor in Italy. Marco is Partner for Audit and Assurance activity for Mazars Italy, based in Milan. He is specialized in the Financial Services. As a member of the Board of Directors for Mazars Italy, he is responsible for the strategy and developlment of the firm’s Human Resources initiatives.
Marco is a registered auditor and dottore commercialista Italy. He is an active member of the Commissione Tecnica Servizi Finanziari of Assirevi, the association of auditors in Italy. He was part of the “AQR” team, supporting Bank of Italy in the Asset Quality Review for the ECB Comprehensive Assessment exercise.
Since joining Mazars, Marco has gained significant audit expertise in international banking and asset management companies.
He is responsible for the coordination, monitoring and assessment of activities and deliverables in major financial audit engagements involving the work of several audit teams from different countries.
He conducted M&A, debt restructuring and divestment due diligence.
Italian and English