Ludovic Black Partner - Tax

Ludovic Black

Ludovic is a partner specialising in Corporate Tax, focussing on compliance, M&A tax and financing. His sector specialism is in life sciences and pharmaceuticals.


Ludovic has 32 years of experience in the profession and previously worked with PwC before joining the firm as a Partner in 2019. During his 25 years plus in Tax, he has generally been involved in the tax aspects of transaction work (advising on due diligence and structuring, both from a vendor and purchaser perspective).He has also advised on the tax aspects of financing including the complex area of foreign exchange.

He is based in Milton Keynes with the view of servicing the Oxford to Cambridge innovation corridor, an area with a lot of fast-growing and innovative companies, including the life sciences and pharma sector, which he has a lot of experience working with. He also helps UK companies manage their compliance responsibilities both in the UK and across the globe.

Work Highlights 

From a professional advice perspective, being able to help clients manage foreign exchange tax exposures by making proper use of the reliefs within the UK tax legislation.

Accreditations/ Memberships of professional bodies

  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation

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