Jure Marko Managing Partner, Certified Auditor

Jure is an Audit Partner at Mazars Slovenia. He is in charge of auditing individual and consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with Slovenian accounting standards and IFRS.
He specialises in the audit of financial institutions, public listed companies, brokerage firms, asset management companies and other types of organisations.
He is fluent in English.
Jure has more than 15 years of working experience in auditing, agreed upon procedures on specific customer requirements, auditing of consolidated reports, accounting business consultancy and auditing of status changes. He is an expert in IFRS first time adoption and auditing of consolidated financial statements.
His client list includes: GORENJE Group, DZS Group, Terme Čatež Group, HIDRIA Group, CIMOS Group, VBS Leasing d.o.o., brokerage company ILIRIKA d.d. in GBD BPD d.d., ILIRIKI DZU, družba za upravljanje.
He regularly participates in seminars and trainings organised by the Slovenian Institute of Auditors and other international IFRS trainings.