Catarina Herbst Partner

Lawyer, tax consultant, tax law specialist
Areas of expertise
Special sector knowledge
- Trade and competition
- Real estate
- German
- English
Brief biography
- Since 2015 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
- 2010 - 2015 Esche Schümann Commichau
- 2003 - 2008 Research assistant at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- 2007 - 2010 Clerkship in Hamburg
- 1997 - 2003 Law studies at the Universities of Jena and Limerick (Ireland)
Dr. Catarina Herbst has been a Partner at Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) since 2015 and is responsible for asset and company succession at our office in Hamburg. Previously, she worked as a lawyer and tax advisor at Esche Schümann Commichau in the Private Clients department. Dr. Catarina Herbst strongly focuses on asset and company succession and advises our clients comprehensively on all questions of (tax-optimized) asset transfer. She is the author of numerous essays and judgment notes, as well as an author of commentaries and handbooks. Dr. Catarina Herbst lectures at the BECK Academy on the tax-optimized company and real estate succession. She is also a lecturer at HAAS GmbH (also in corporate succession) and the Institute for Inheritance Law.
Lecturing/teaching assignments
- BeckAkademie
- Haas Ltd.
- Haas Training Centre