U.S. Tax Desk Newsletter - December 2018

Welcome to the latest edition of the Mazars U.S. Tax Desk Newsletter! As we reach the end of 2018 we discuss the many amendments and introductions of tax regulations commencing in 2019 in various countries.

In this issue, we explore and share our perspectives on:

• UK’s tax developments;
• Croatia’s introduction of mini tax reform in 2019;
• The changes in tax regulations in Poland for 2019; and
• The approval of the PRC law on individual invoice tax amendments in China.

The above is only a selection of the wide array of contributions in this issue. Please see page 2 for a full listing.

We are delighted that our publication is continuing to grow in content and circulation numbers. If you would like to share your country insights, please feel free to contact us.

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US Tax Desk Newsletter - December 2018

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