Transfer pricing: webinars

20 April 2023 - Transfer pricing and financing transactions

08 November 2022 - The impact of inflation on transfer pricing



27 September 2022 - Transfer pricing aspects of intragroup loans and guarantees



17 June 2022 - Tax impact of the war in Ukraine



2 February 2022 - Key updates to the 2022 OECD Transfer Pricing guidelines for multinational enterprises and tax administrations



2 December 2021 - Transfer Pricing management in the Central Eastern Europe region



21 October 2021 - New international tax framework: what would be the impact on transfer pricing?



21 September 2021 - How can multinational companies mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on their Transfer Pricing reviews?



17 June 2021 - Business restructuring: transfer pricing aspects



15 July 2021 - Transfer pricing regulations related to DEMPE



25 March 2021 - Transfer pricing aspects of intragroup loans and guarantees


