C-suite insights from the Latin America region

At the end of 2021 we ran our annual C-suite barometer, surveying over 1,000 executives from around the world, including more than 170 from the Latin America region.

In the Latin America region, we uncovered the highest levels of confidence and resilience of all regions globally, with almost all executives predicting revenue growth in 2022. However, Covid-19 is not over yet, and we face new challenges from rising inflation, and instability following the shocking invasion of Ukraine. Businesses will need to keep pushing through a volatile environment this year.

Our research reveals:

  • 75% anticipate a technology transformation in their business
  • 69% are confident in their cyber security
  • 53% say remote working will be a long-term change
  • 77% already produce a sustainability report
  • 52% say the future leadership styles their organisations needs have changed

There will inevitably be challenges ahead for businesses in the Latin America region. But challenge also brings opportunity and now is the time for action – are you ready?

Discover C-suite insights from the Latin America region by downloading our report here.


C-suite Insights - LATAM.pdf