Actuarial services

Enhance performance and increase profitability by understanding risks

Insurance companies, banks and other risk enterprises face a huge task in assessing and managing risks against the backdrop of increasing regulation and sophistication of risk management. Such macro risks encompass instability in financial markets, an ageing population, the threat of terrorism and climate change.

The key benefit of actuarial analysis is to enhance performance and increase profitability through improved understanding of risks and use of appropriate tools to minimise associated costs.

Forvis Mazars offers a broad range of sophisticated tools and models to help you to wade through financial regulations and calculate risk.

With a broad range of skills and a breadth of experience, our specialists provide a customised service with solutions tailored directly to your needs. Our actuarial teams are made up of high-calibre technical experts who specialise in financial engineering, insurance actuarial work, compensation and employee benefits and statistics and modelling.

We can help you manage all your financial risks, define and implement your growth strategy and train your teams on financial issues. We can also develop your approach to assets/liabilities management and your allocation of assets, implement accounting regulations such as IFRS standards, Solvency II and Basel II and evaluate any company debts or liabilities.

Working with our wider insurance team and actuarial units worldwide, our service provides expertise in general insurance, life and health insurance, risk and capital advisory and pensions.
