Transfer pricing services in Asia Pacific 2021

Transfer pricing has grown to be one of the most prominent tax issues in the international arena, receiving priority attention from national governments as well as posing increasingly significant impacts on the operations of multinational enterprises. It focuses on the prices charged in related party transactions, including internal transfer of tangible goods, intangible property, services, loan financing and leases, and affects every aspect of cross-border operations, and corporations’ worldwide tax burden.

Mazars transfer pricing

The current global business environment has created opportunities for multinational enterprises to take advantage of the integration of national economies. Fiscal authorities globally are under tremendous pressure to maintain tax receipts in the current environment and are increasingly recognizing the possibilities provided by transfer pricing for revenue raising purposes.

As a result of the global financial crises since 2008, both governments and the general public expressed their indignation on the tax-driven practices of high-profile multinationals.


Transfer pricing services in Asia Pacific 2021.pdf