Litigation Support

Solicitors and certified public accountants are natural allies. Our clients often need a mixture of legal and financial advice and we in Mazars have developed considerable experience in providing support to the legal profession in litigation matters. We value this interrelationship and have created a variety of services specifically designed for the legal profession.

Typical services include:

  • Expert witness testimony on financial or statutory matters in both court and arbitration proceedings
  • Damage or loss of profit claims
  • Business interruption claims based on assessment of costs of delays and work stoppages
  • Bankruptcy and business reorganisations requiring special audits and examinations
  • Valuation of company shares, either majority or minority holdings, and support for legal proceedings

A particular niche we have developed and have extensive involvement with is in respect of construction litigation claims. These typically involve a team comprising lawyers, engineers/surveyors and ourselves. While part of the team focuses on issues of liability, namely which party or parties are at fault, we are involved in assessing the quantum or amount claimable. We have found that this team approach for such claims provides the best way of achieving the most effective results for clients since the specific expertise of various professional disciplines is focused on different aspects of the problem thereby ensuring that the legal, financial and engineering issues are thoroughly addressed and fully presented. It also ensures that a "good claim" does not suffer or fail from having the financial aspects set out in an illogical or incorrect manner. Should the claims proceed to court or arbitration, we have extensive experience appearing as expert witness with regard to matters of quantum.
