Nomad China, November 2007 - "China, an awakened giant"

Since the 1980s and the opening of its economy, China has experienced spectacular growth. The country has progressively become "the world's factory", and finally also, with the transfer of sovereignty for Hong Kong in particular, a major global financial player.

It is in this context of sometimes unruly growth that Mazars opened its first office in Beijing in 1997, followed by a second in Shanghai and a third, more recently, in Guangzhou. We have also had a presence in Hong Kong since 1990.

China thus appears as a priority area for our international growth, called on to play a pivotal role in strengthening the Group's presence in Asia.



  • Spectacular growth
  • Wide-view angle 
    • The metamorphosis of the Chinese economy
    • “One country, two systems”: Hong Kong and Macao
  • Mazars in China - Over ten years of uninterrupted development
  • Kiosk


China - An awakened giant

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