Bank News - December 2014

On 26 October, after an unprecedented exercise which has involved thousands of people over a period of nearly a year within almost 130 banks and banking supervisors, the ECB published the results of its comprehensive assessment of systemic financial institutions.

This publication, which comes just before the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) takes on the supervision of credit institutions, has been the subject of many comments and much debate, in particular as to the adequacy of the stress parameters used. But beyond this debate, the exercise and its consequences shed a fresh light on the challenges that await both banks and regulators and supervisors.

This edition presents our analysis of the results of the comprehensive assessment, but more importantly it sets out our vision of the challenges that the current changes in banking regulation and supervision will bring in the euro area. Challenges which could soon be extended to insurance companies if, like the Central Bank of Romania which has just launched a balance sheet assessment and stress test exercise, EIOPA decides to apply this approach systematically.



  • The banking industry tracker
  • Mazars Insight: ECB stress test: a useful check-up of the Eurozone’s banks
  • Analysis: AQR and stress tests - by Trapeza Conseil
  • The banking industry Interview: Olivier Perquel, Head of financing and Market solutions at Natixis
  • Mazars Insight: A Good Bank Requires A Good Supervision, A Challenge For The ECB
  • Mazars Insight: The transposition of the C​apital Requirement Directive CRD IV and the Capital Requirements Regulation in Ireland
  • Mazars Technical: BCBS239 : The new challenge For Financial Institutions


Mazars - Bank news - December 2014

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