Update on mandatory social insurance in Beijing

According to the average salary of employees in Beijing in 2015 released by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics and the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the calculation basis for social contribution of 2016 will be RMB 7,086.
The social contribution base is capped at 3 times the monthly average salary in the city, which will be RMB 21,258.
And according to the “announcement of reducing the social welfare rate in Beijing Municipal (Jing Renshebao Fa [2016]No.98)” issued by the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Finance Bureau of Beijing Municipality, form May 2016, the social welfare rate in Beijing will be gradually amended.


AOS Newsletter 2016 June

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Thomas CHEN Yiqun
Thomas CHEN Yiqun Partner, Accounting & Outsourcing Solutions Shanghai

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Julia ZHEN Xiaoyun
Julia ZHEN Xiaoyun Partner, Accounting & Outsourcing Solutions Beijing

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