Oct 2023 - Preferential policies for the CIIE (China International Import Expo)

The sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) will be held offline in November 2023.
To support the CIIE, and with the approval of the State Council, the relevant preferential policies have been enacted since October 2020.
  • Exhibited items imported during the expo will be exempted of custom duties, VAT and consumption tax if sold, with the following limits:



Limit on exemption

Machines, mechanical appliances, electrical equipment and instruments, instruments (except medical / surgical instruments and equipment)

12 pieces / exhibitor

Truck-tractors, tractors

2 pieces / exhibitor

Ships and floating structures

3 pieces / exhibitor

Medical or surgical instruments and equipment

5 pieces / exhibitor

Artwork, collectibles, and antiquities

5 pieces / exhibitor


  • For other exhibited items, the limit on exemption is set at a price of USD 20,000.


  • All items listed below shall be taxed in accordance with the relevant regulations (no exemption):

1)       Exhibited items sold during the expo period in excess of the limits stipulated by the policy

2)       Exhibited items unsold during the expo period, and that will not be returned to the country of origin after the end of the expo

3)       Tobacco, wine, automobile

4)       Endangered animals and plants, and by-products

5)       Products listed in the catalogue of major technical equipment and products which shall be subjected to tax


Mazars in China will participate for the fourth time as an exhibitor. This year, under the theme “Acting now for what’s next”, Mazars will show how we fit for a suitable future, digital world and how we fit to perform, grow, and last in the Trade in Services exhibition area (8.2A3-04) to the global audience.


We sincerely invite you to visit and explore Mazars booth. At this Expo, Mazars in China will bring about 30 lectures and forums, in the manner of webinars and live streaming, to share our insights on the latest industry hot topics, digitalization, sustainability, outbound investment trends, corporate compliance, etc. and conduct in-depth panel discussions among industry leaders across luxury, automotive and finance sectors.



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