Press releases

You will find here all Mazars press releases.

Mazars announces good 2019/20 results, confirming its strong position on the audit, tax and advisory market

Dr. Julie Laulusa is appointed as Mazars Group Executive Board member

Paris, December 16th, 2020 – Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today ap-points Dr. Julie Laulusa, managing partner of Mazars in China and Head of Mazars Global China Services as Mazars Group Executive Board member.

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Mazars Releases Chinese Luxury Brand Consumers to Explore the "Luxury Consumption Ideology" of Chinese People

May 28th, 2020, Shanghai, China - "In China, Gen Z (i.e. post-95s) ranks first among the heavy luxury consumers who buy luxury goods every month, with more than 12 luxury items purchased each year!" This insightful conclusion comes from the Chinese Luxury Brand Consumers — A Generational, Gender and City-tier Analysis published today. On the day of the research report's release, Dr. Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars in China, the world's leading audit and advisory firm, invited a number of luxury industry heavyweights, including Mathieu Delmas, Managing Director of Piaget China, Stephane Wilmet, Chief Consumer Officer of L’Oréal China and Lawrance Shum, Chief Operating Officer of Galeries Lafayette China. Together, via a webinar, they share and explore the profound and thorough report which has researched on the luxury consumption views of four generations of Chinese consumers.

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New Appointment in China

Shanghai, 14 January 2020 - Mazars is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Margot Han as international (CARL) Partner; and of Ms. Cindy Cheung, Ms. Chloe Zhang, Ms. Joanna Ye and Ms. Seven Shen as Partners.

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Mazars publishes Mobile Payment Index highlighting growth potential for telcos

- China the top market for opportunities, leading the way to a cashless society

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Are You Missing the Tech Train?

Mazars publishes Tech Train study revealing global technological familiarity, investment and implementation levels

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Cécile Kossoff has been appointed Group Chief Communication, Marketing and Brand Officer

Paris, October 17th, 2018
Mazars announces a new member in its Group Leadership team, Cécile Kossoff, who has been appointed Group Chief Communication, Marketing and Brand Officer.

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Mazars Global CEO Hervé Hélias Named Chairman of The Board

Addressing Industry Challenges, Mazars’ New Chairman
Calls for Greater Transparency and Responsibility in the Sector

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