"Mazars, mécène de l'Alliance Française, soutient le dialogue des cultures", Paroles (September-October 2014)

Paroles, Alliance Française in-house magazine, interviewed Eunice Kwok, Stephen Weatherseed and KC Cheung to collect their views on Mazars' support to Alliance Française Hong Kong.

During the interview, Stephen Weatherseed, Managing Director of Mazars Hong Kong, explained to Armelle Craberou that this collaboration felt "natural" given the French influence of the Mazars brand. He believes that such initiative will bring cross-cultural awareness to the participants. 

Eunice Kwok, Practising Director, is delighted by the French lessons...She intends to develop her French vocabulary to be able to order in a restaurant next time she visits France.

KC Cheung, is an assistant manager who already speaks 7 languages and who is keen to add French to his list of spoken languages...

To read the article (available in French and Cantonese only), please click here.

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