Gilles-Alexandre Salansy talks about China's thirst for Bordeaux to China Daily

New figures show that China's thirst for Bordeaux wine is still growing but also diversifying...

Gilles-Alexandre Salansy,  Senior Manager at the French Desk of Mazars in Hong Kong explained to China Daily that China's thirst for Bordeaux continues to cover new ground...

Not only does China represent 25% of all bottled Bordeaux exported worldwide but also purchased around 20 vineyards in the Bordeaux region.

Gilles-Alexandre explains "Chinese investors are pursuing acquisitions in Europe as it's a good time economically forthem to do so, especially for those in the wine business on the mainland market. Businessesand independent buyers are making overseas investments to both support the integrity of theirwine operations in mainland China and secure a steady supply of high quality product."

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