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Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network

15 November 2023 – Mazars, the leading international audit, tax, and advisory firm and FORVIS, the eighth largest public accounting firm in the United States, today jointly announce they will create a new, top 10 global network[1], effective 1 June 2024. The new network will position both firms for continued global growth by expanding their capabilities to serve clients, especially those with international needs.

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Could carve-outs be a strategy for success in the automotive industry?

The automotive industry is in a state of flux, facing a powerful combination of external factors. These include increased competition, the rise of electric cars, regulatory changes and new forms of mobility, such autonomous driving and connected cars.

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Acting now for what’s next: 2021/2022 annual report

As the world continues to navigate change, societal expectations are shifting, and organisations must keep up with the growing call to transform their operations to be more sustainable, comply with increasing regulations and meet new quality standards. At Mazars, we are prepared to not only rise to the challenge and invest where it counts for our firm and people, but also to support our clients within this evolving landscape to make the decisions that will set them up for success.

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Mazars and the Observatory for Gender Balance publish report debunking eight myths that hold back women's careers

The publication, ‘Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women’ offers:

• Expert analysis and solutions to debunk eight myths, including: lack of ambition, motherhood/availability, absence of women in talent pools, part-time work, risk aversion, glass ceiling, men's jobs, quotas and meritocracy
•The keys and levers for successful change: testimony from ten experts and four leaders
•Launch of a self-assessment tool on diversity strategies for CEOs and top executives

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Mazars C-suite barometer 2023

20 March 2023: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its 2023 C-suite barometer: Bold leadership for a sustainable future. This report is the result of an in-depth survey conducted in Q4 2022, which took the pulse of over 800 executives from 27 countries around the world.

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Join Mazars at 2023 China International Import Expo

Mazars, an international audit, tax and advisory firm, is taking part in the China International Import Expo (CIIE) again this November. This year, under the theme "Acting now for what's next", Mazars will show to the global audience, in the Trade in Services exhibition area (Booth No. 8.2A3-04), how we fit for a sustainable future, a digital world and how we achieve corporate performance, business growth and sustainable development.

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Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition

6 February 2024 – Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its global financial results for 2022/2023. This is the third consecutive year the firm has achieved double-digit growth across all services (both audit and non-audit). Despite ongoing market uncertainty, revenues are up 13% on last year, reaching €2.8 billion in fee income.

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Set for growth: 2022/2023 annual report

In recent years, businesses, individuals and governments have encountered a succession of demanding circumstances, prompting the need for resilience, heightened adaptability, and strategic planning amid ongoing uncertainty. In face of this, Mazars is set to look to the future with a clear and forward-thinking vision to support our clients, people and communities in seizing opportunities for success and grow responsibly.

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Mazars expands team and service offering in Taiwan, adding audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing services to existing capabilities

1 June 2021: Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today announces the addition of audit, tax, advisory and outsourcing services in Taiwan, complementing its existing financial services consulting business.

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