The major steps of an M&A operation in China

Thierry Labarre, Founding Senior Partner of Mazars in mainland China, gave a speech on the key steps and issues to consider during an M&A operation in China.

The presentation has been held on Tuesday 20 September at the French Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, as part of the M&A working group, which Thierry coordinates jointly with Christine Lambert Goué, Director at Invest Securities. This event was mainly aimed at giving foreign investors an overview of the pitfalls of the M&A process and to illustrate the key success factors in the culturally different Chinese business environment.

Additionally to Thierry’s expertise and experience in M&A, his deep understanding of the Chinese business culture fully allows him to advise companies wishing to penetrate the Chinese market through an M&A operation

If you wish to know more on the subject or need advice, please feel free to contact Thierry by clicking here.

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