G20 China 2016. Our message to Business Leaders

Mazars is pleased to announce the release of the 2016 edition of the official publication of the G20 research Group. G20 China: The Hangzhou Summit serves as an authoritative forum for debate on the issues at the top of the G20 agenda and the challenges facing governments and the global business community; featuring exclusive articles written by the G20 leaders and high-profile figures from government, business, NGOs and international organisations.

G20 2016 China agenda

This year the G20 has committed to the theme and vision ‘Towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected, and inclusive world economy’:

  • Innovation is an important driving force for global sustainable growth
  • An invigorated world economy is based on and requires the participation of all stakeholders
  • In a globalized world, the interconnectivity between growth and development in different countries have become so close that we either stand or fall together
  • A more inclusive growth means benefits of development should be shared by all rather than by only a few  

Download below the official publication of the G20 Research Group

Mazars contribution

At Mazars we really believe business leaders should think and act long-term in order to enhance business performance and pursue profit responsibly for the benefit of companies, their stakeholders and wider society.

Finding a way to better articulate a shared value model that represents how being positively active in today’s society can deliver a competitive advantage would be a huge step forward.’ said Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner in Shanghai and Mainland China and David Herbinet, Global Head of Audit and Assurance at Mazars

Below is an extract of our opinion piece published in the G20 China 2016 publication and divided into 3 parts: 

  • A fresh look at leadership 
  • A focus on education and 
  • Articulating a shared value model


Mazars G20 China Extract.pdf

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