Post-financial crisis development perspectives for the Aerospace industry

Dr. Julie Laulusa, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai, participated to a breakfast seminar on “Post-financial crisis development perspectives for Aerospace industry” organized by Mazars Toulouse (France) for the major Aerospace players.

The seminar was organized around 3 round tables addressing the following issues:

  • Looking at international markets for development
  • Financing solutions for the aerospace industry for 2011
  • Optimizing the relationships and cooperation between the industry market player

The event was hosted at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Toulouse (France) and the panel of speakers included Airbus, Oséo Midi Pyrénées, Aerofund, AerospaceValley Club of investors, Ubi France and Aerotrade.

Julie Laulusa gave an overview of the Chinese business environment and presented the opportunities and risks for Aerospace market players to do business in China.

Please click here to read Julie's views on the challenges for the Aerospace industry.

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