Verantwortungsbewusst, kollaborativ, vernetzt: das Geschäftsmodell des Luxussektors im Wandel

Der Luxussektor hat immer danach gestrebt, seiner Kundschaft zeitlose Stücke zu offerieren, deren Wert und Anziehungskraft über die Zeit hinweg Bestand haben. Diese Konstanz gilt aber nicht für die Art und Weise der Produktion und des Verkaufes dieser Güter, denn die Luxusindustrie steht an einem Scheideweg. Luxusbrands, die weiterhin das tun, was sie schon immer getan haben, laufen Gefahr, an Boden zu verlieren. Unsere Studie "Verantwortungsbewusst, kollaborativ, vernetzt: das Geschäftsmodell des Luxussektors im Wandel" zeigt die Gründe für diesen Paradigmenwechsel auf.

Inhalt auf Englisch

Published in partnership with Arianee, we reveal how the luxury sector is shaping a new business model that allows customers to experience and engage with brands in new ways and to purchase goods knowing they can be easily and expertly repaired and resold.

Conscious, collaborative, connected includes insights from luxury sector leaders, including Breitling, Comité Colbert, Kering and Vacheron Constantin, and draws from an extensive desk review of over 150 articles, reports and other sources.

Customer cohorts

The sector is increasingly selling to different people, in different parts of the world, and while they may all buy into the appeal of luxury, they hold subtly different tastes and expectations. New cohorts include HENRYs and Gen Z. Who are these new luxury customers and what do they want from luxury brands?

Luxury technology, ecosystem partnerships and circularity

Technological innovations are helping luxury brands update their model, while partnerships have become vital in ensuring greater transparency, circularity and environmental sustainability. How are leading brands collaborating with technology partners and building ecosystems that deliver necessary innovation? What new services stem from these partnerships?

Pivoting to experiences

After adopting digitalisation more gradually than others, leading luxury brands are taking the customer experience path, finding ways to harness e-commerce opportunities and tell their story digitally. But the digital and experiential pivot is not just about getting e-commerce and digital storytelling right. How are they creating a unique luxury experience underpinned by an online and offline continuum? What are the different dimensions of customer experience luxury businesses need to know about?

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