Global indirect tax webinars

The new year brings important changes concerning the indirect taxes, with the post-Brexit business environment and the current Covid-19 crisis continuing to affect businesses worldwide.

In order to support you through these changes and consider next steps, we are hosting a webinar dedicated on Brexit and a webinar dedicated on “Managing VAT in turbulent times”. 

Brexit: What now?

  • Date : 13 January 2021
  • Time : 11 am - 12pm CET

The business community is relieved, but anything but jubilant. The last-minute Brexit deal holds quite considerable uncertainties and will affect many businesses in still not yet fully foreseeable ways. What are the implications of the over 1,000-page Brexit trade and security deal? Our webinar also offers the opportunity to ask your “last-minute Brexit deal questions” and discuss VAT and indirect taxes after Brexit.

Click here to watch the recording

Managing VAT in turbulent times

  • Date: 4 February 2021 
  • Time: 11 am - 1:30 pm CET

This year will also bring important changes in the VAT rules. From a general VAT perspective, 2021 will be a turbulent one and will create a substantial “VAT to-do list” for businesses operating in Europe. What are the VAT implications of potential supply chain changes resulting from the coronavirus pandemic and the last-minute Brexit deal? What will be the objective of the e-commerce and EU VAT package?

We will organise separate break-out sessions focusing on industries. Based on your preferences, provided in the registration form, a final decision will be made. You will be informed on 1 February 2021 to which session you will be allocated.

Click here to register  Code: VAT2021
