Forvis Mazars Messenger September 2018

* The new travel allowances: how do they affect you and are they working?
* What to do if SARS does not pay out your refund
* Employment Equity (EE) compliance
* Five common problems to avoid when drafting your will
* Appointment of co-CEOs
* Unit Trusts: who will foot the bill from proposed tax amendments
* Vat panel: Zero-rated items
* Your tax deadlines: September

Your tax deadlines: September

Download our quick guide containing all your tax deadlines for the month of September. Make sure to retain for future reference.

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Vat panel: Zero-rated items

The problem with adding more zero-rated items to the list... We unpack the challenges and issues arising from the panel's findings.

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Unit Trusts: who will foot the bill from proposed tax amendments

In the recently published draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (draft TLAB), Treasury appears to
have taken a tough and inflexible stance in addressing the ongoing industry debate on the income
tax treatment of the disposal of assets within a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) – commonly
known as a unit trust. Unfortunately, it now seems as though the individual unitholders are likely
to bear the brunt of the proposed amendment.

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Appointment of co-CEOs

We are pleased to announce that, effective 1 September 2018, Michelle Olckers and Anoop Ninan have been appointed as the new joint Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of Forvis Mazars in South Africa.

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Five common problems to avoid when drafting your will

After your death, your Will is the only valid and legally enforceable instruction left behind to express your wishes of how your estate should be divided and distributed to your beneficiaries.

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Employment Equity (EE) compliance

Make sure that you can face an Employment Equity inspection and know what to put in place to avoid the risk of a compliance order.

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What to do if SARS does not pay out your refund

If you have now filed your tax return and have not been selected for either verification (submission of relevant supporting documents) or audit (SARS requests further specific information about what is contained on your tax return) then you may be wondering why SARS has not yet paid out your tax refund.

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The New Travel Allowances

How do they affect you and are they working?

The 2018/2019 tax year sees important changes to how, as an employee, you can be reimbursed for your business travel expenses. Both employers and employees should know how they will affect you in practice.

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