Forvis Mazars Messenger November 2018

In this Issue:
1.) The Art and Science of Selection Decisions
2.) The Missed Opportunities and Positive Beginnings Revealed by the 2018 MTBPS
3.) Have You Left South Africa and Need to Access Your Retirement Annuity?
4.) Information Management in the Digital Age
5.) Directors Beware! You Could be Held Personally Liable for Data Breaches
6.) Your Tax Deadlines for November. And Beware the New Corporate Income Tax Penalties!

Download the full edition here or if you don't have time to read all articles, pick and choose from the below: 


Messenger Nov/Dec 18 Complete Edition

The Art and Science of Selection Decisions

"Business owners and leaders acknowledge the importance of getting the right people on the bus and on the right seats"
Jim Collins - emphasising that outstanding talent is one of the most important drivers of organisational success, if not the most important.

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The Missed Opportunities and positive beginnings revealed by the 2018 MTBPS

26 October 2018: The 2018 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, delivered on Wednesday 24 October by the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, contained a clear picture of the past mistakes that will continue to haunt South Africa in the coming years. However, this may also be the first time in recent years that the public has been provided with a basis for positive change down the line.

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Have you left South Africa and need to access your Retirement Annuity?

If you are a South African citizen but have already left the country permanently, you may have the problem of not being able to access your South African retirement annuity (RA). In terms of South African tax law, an individual may only withdraw funds from their RA if they formally emigrate, they reach the age of 55 or if the value of the RA is under R7,000.

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Information Management in the Digital Age

This article incorporate the principles of open government data use by generic citizens of world. The thought process takes into account aspects of information management strategies that help in the ease of use of information and data. In the process, an evaluation of the usefulness, as well as transparency, participation, and collaboration expectancies are issues that are significantly considered to determine citizens’ intention to use open government data, which in turn would help determine the maturity level of a municipality.

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Directors Beware! You could be held personally liable for data breaches

We read about it all the time – businesses both here and abroad are increasingly subjected to major data breaches. Cyber-crime is on the rise, and we are all at risk.

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Your Tax Deadlines for November & beware new corporate income tax penalties!

There are only run-of-the-mill tax deadlines for November but companies need to take note of a new warning from SARS that it will be imposing administrative penalties from December 2018 for outstanding Corporate Income Tax (CIT) returns. Until now, penalties have only been imposed for failure to lodge personal returns.

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