Forvis Mazars Messenger January/ February 2019

In this issue:
1. Let’s be realistic and positive in 2019
2. Deemed accruals can seriously disrupt your cash flow
3. Directors: Fighting corruption via your social and ethics committee
4. Changes are coming to the companies act: Be ready for them
5. Be aware of the changes to VAT on electronic services
6. Tax deductions by donating to charity

Download the full edition below, or alternatively, individual articles are available as well: 


Mazars Messenger Jan/Feb 2019 - Complete edition
Lets be realistic and positive in 2019
Deemed accruals can seriously disrupt your cash flow
Directors: Fighting corruption via your social and ethics committee
Changes are coming to the companies act: Be ready for them
Be aware of the changes to VAT on electronic services
Tax deductions by donating to charity