Trusts & Estates

Forvis Mazars' comprehensive range of Trusts, Retirement and Estate Planning tax services enable you to plan for retirement while ensuring that you pass on your assets in a tax efficient manner.

We can also help you with establishing a trust: from financing your retirement to covering education costs, a wedding, or simply assigning your capital to a chosen recipient.

Our Trusts and Estates Team can help you with:

  • establishing trusts while considering issues like capital gains tax, estate duty and income tax
  • trust planning: from private company shares to multi-million rand trusts
  • administration, preparing annual accounts and tax returns
  • advice to beneficiaries and trustees on tax issues that arise when they receive a trust’s income or assets
  • preparation of a will, acting as executor where required
  • advice for executors on tax issues
  • administering an estate and the collection and distribution of assets
  • advice on funding estate duty
  • preparing annual accounts and tax returns