Where IRP5/IT3(a) lump sum information does not appear on the Income Tax Return (ITR12)

SARS has clarified what taxpayers should do if their IRP5/IT3(a) information in respect of a lump sum is not on their Income Tax Return (ITR12).

SARS has frequently been asked the following question by taxpayers:

“What must I do if my IRP5/IT3(a) information for my lump sum is not on my Income Tax Return (ITR12)?”

SARS has provided the following answer:

If the ‘Transaction Year’ and the ‘Year of assessment’ differs on the IRP5 certificate, the IRP5/IT3(a) tax certificate will not be prepopulated on the return.

On eFiling add the certificate by increasing the number of certificates on the return wizard.  A blank certificate will be available and you must capture the IRP5/IT3(a) tax certificate detail, including the tax directive number in order to avoid the return being rejected.

The updated FAQ was published on the following webpages:

Tax Season

Personal Income Tax
