Technology Updates

Technology is vital at any time in a business, Forvis Mazars will share advice, guidance, and practical support to help you organise, manage, and utilise appropriate technology considerations during this pandemic.



Forvis Mazars' Cyber Security and Technical Teams are here to help and advise during this uncertain time

How to respond to fraud during lockdown

Unfortunately, criminals do not go on lockdown, and there have been multiple examples of scams being perpetrated during this time of crisis.

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Forvis Mazars Forensics: Safety Tips during home screening

On 30 March 2020 the President announced that the government would undertake a project to do public testing for the COVID-19 virus. Ten thousand field workers will go out to our communities to assist in identifying the persons infected with the virus, this will assist in fighting the invisible enemy and assist in preventing the spread of the virus.

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Key areas of focus for Your IT Team

We have highlighted some of the key focus areas for your IT team that will help prepare them when managing the Technology impact of Covid-19.

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Will your IT systems cope?

COVID-19 could permanently shift working patterns for many, forcing them to embrace remote working with immediate effect. As a result, businesses have had to quickly adapt their Technology functions to support. Many are however unaware of the risks surrounding the use of technology in this way and the key measures their IT Teams need to take to ensure success.

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