Budget 2020/21 Media Coverage

Here you will find Forvis Mazars tax experts' comments appearing in the media regarding National Treasury's 2020/2021 Budget.

Pre Speech commentary

Television Coverage:

  1. Consulting Director David French, speaks with @eNCA on a possible Vat Increase, and other likely increases, in the lead up to Tito Mboweni's seminal budget speech: http://ow.ly/hcUp50yv9xY
  2. #BUDGET2020 | Tax collection shortfall estimated at around R53-billion - Courtesy SABC News' Sakina Kamwendo speaks to Partner Bernard Sacks in a Live crossing to Parliament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj_FZ8WOva8

Digital coverage:

  1. Partner Bernard Sacks tells FTWOnline that “Minister Mboweni’s priority will likely be to find more ways of cutting expenditure and squeezing more out of the taxpayer base”: http://ow.ly/PYZu50yv8FW
  2. Courtesy of Fin24:  - Forvis Mazars experts warn of risks of a Vat Increase: https://www.fin24.com/Budget/vat-hike-may-be-tempting-but-analysts-warn-of-risks-20200224-2
  3. Courtesy of Fast Company: #Budget2020: The prospects (and downfalls) of SA’s economy: http://ow.ly/xU9250yv6Io
  4. Courtesy #IOL - Churches be warned… Tito Mboweni’s tax tweet could be very real: http://ow.ly/9Uk450ysabB
  5. Courtesy MoneyMarketing: The 2020 Budget will be an exercise in balancing Treasury’s books
  6. Courtesy Fin24: 10 things to look out for in Mboweni's 2020 Budget address: https://www.fin24.com/Budget/10-things-to-look-out-for-in-mbowenis-2020-budget-address-20200226

Post Budget Speech Commentary

Digital Coverage: 

  1. Courtesy MoneyMarketing: BUDGET 2020 - Reaction: Speech aims to win back investor confidence bit.ly/2Taw6uo