Forvis Mazars launches Financial Services CA Secondment program

Yearly, hundreds of newly qualified Chartered Accountants venture on secondment programmes across the globe. They usually return to South Africa between mid-March and end April to start the corporate careers they have been dreaming of for many years.

2020 is different, due to the Global COVID-19 pandemic most of these secondments were prematurely ended and the secondees returned to South Africa.  They are now part of the statistic of millions of unemployed youth in South Africa with no employment opportunities in the short term.  Many businesses have put a hold on recruitment to assess how the economy recovers from the pandemic. 

Forvis Mazars recently launched the Forvis Mazars Financial Services Secondment Programme. The Programme will run from 1 June 2020 to 30 November 2020. Forvis Mazars will employ some of these professionals to help flatten the curve of unemployment and we will then second them to financial services clients.  

What is the benefit to your organisation:

  • No recruitment admin burden for your HR team;
  • No 3rd party reference fees payable;
  • Forvis Mazars Financial Services will issue all travel permits;
  • We will supply secondees with all the electronic equipment they will need to carry out assignments (including laptops and headsets);
  • When your assignment with the secondee is complete you have the opportunity to employ them full time;
  • The rate per hour is well below the market newly qualified CA’s and will be further discounted for size and duration of secondments.

Don’t hesitate, contact Riaan Eksteen at for more information on the programme.
