Business and human rights

Forvis Mazars business and human rights consulting and assurance, adding value through respect for human rights.

How well are you managing your risks in an increasingly transparent world?

Do you fully understand that your supply chain could threaten your reputation and brand?

In today’s ever-changing business environment companies are facing:

  • Expectations and requirements for transparency and accountability from regulators and other stakeholders.
  • A growing need to demonstrate ethical behaviour.
  • Increasing pressure to implement adequate corporate social policy.
  • Enquiries from business partners and government about human rights and activist consumer groups, NGOs and split-second global communications and media scrutiny. 

As experts in this space, we provide human rights support and guidance to companies, enabling them to manage their risks in respect of all stakeholders. 

The benefits of implementing a human rights programme: 

  • Protection of your reputation and brand.
  • Reporting that meets with local legislation.
  • Increased motivation and productivity of your workers.
  • Increased quality and sustainability of your suppliers.
  • Greater trust between your company and its stakeholders.
  • A social licence to operate within your communities.
  • Create attractions to new recruits.
  • Access to a wider investment community.

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