Virtual event | Reinventing the wheel: challenges and solutions for sustainable mobility in the 21st century

Our first virtual session in our mobility series focused on how companies, governments, entrepreneurs and others can offer safer, more sustainable mobility options in the wake of Covid-19.

How has the pandemic slowed some trends in cleaner mobility while accelerating others? How are consumer expectations, disruptive technologies, and public policy driving the mobility sectors transformation towards greater resiliency and sustainability? What will it take for businesses in automotive, transport and logistics and airline industries to win in this new, post-Covid era for sustainable mobility? Watch this on-demand webcast recording to find out.

Watch this virtual event now

Read the wrap-up article here

Reinventing the wheel: challenges and solutions for sustainable mobility in the 21st century

How has the pandemic slowed some trends in cleaner mobility while accelerating others? How are consumer expectations, disruptive technologies, and public policy driving the mobility sectors transformation towards greater resiliency and sustainability? What will it take for businesses in automotive, transport and logistics and airline industries to win in this new, post-Covid era for sustainable mobility?

Recorded on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 1:00 pm CET




Sophie Lambin, CEO, Kite Insights; content partner, The New York Times Climate Hub and Netting Zero series. 

Featured speakers


Matthieu Auzanneau, Executive Director, The Shift Project


Freddie Talberg, CEO, Emsol


Jean-François Salzmann, Partner, Mazars, China


Bongiwe Mbunge, Partner, Mazars, South Africa


Remco Schoonderwoerd, Partner, Mazars, The Netherlands