Transfer pricing
A global view on a business-critical, fast-evolving issue.
The Covid-19 pandemic will have serious implications on transfer pricing for many multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the upcoming years. In December 2020, the OECD released its Guidance that clarifies and illustrates the practical application of the arm’s length principle as articulated in their Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
Four priority issues were identified and covered in the Guidance:
Moderated by: Gertrud Bergmann, Partner at Mazars Germany
Click here to watch the recording
Due to Covid-19, multinational companies might have to adapt the way they do business and restructure their organisation, including their supply chain. Such reorganisation may involve the transfer of valuable intangible assets to other countries and, or lead to a change in the functional profile of certain entities. This can raise complex local taxation and transfer pricing issues.
Mazars’ Transfer Pricing experts will provide you with an overview of the regional/local applicable regulations and their practical recommendations in order to handle these reorganisations properly.
Moderated by: Gertrud Bergmann, Partner at Mazars Germany
Click here to watch the recording
With the rise of new technologies, more and more subsidiaries are involved in the value creation of intangible assets. Before the introduction of the DEMPE functions, the profit from intangible assets was attributed to the entity that owned the property rights. From now on, the profits linked to the exploitation of an intellectual property right are no longer reserved to the owner. They are shared among the subsidiaries that perform the DEMPE functions. Mazars’ Transfer Pricing experts will provide you with an overview of the regional/local applicable regulations and their practical recommendations on the subject.
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