Опитування та дослідження

На цій сторінці Ви знайдете опитування, дослідження, звіти та інші дослідницькі матеріали, підготовлені фахівцями Forvis Mazars.

The financial communication of European companies - A dive into the expected impacts of IFRS 15

The new IFRS 15 on revenue recognition came into effect on 1 January 2018. It replaces IAS 11 on construction contracts and IAS 18 on the sale of goods and rendering of services, and all the associated interpretations.


Дослідження МСФЗ 9 для європейських страхових груп

Новий стандарт міжнародної фінансової звітності - МСФЗ 9 "Щодо фінансових інструментів" набув чинності з 1 січня 2018 року для більшості юридичних осіб, але страхові групи мають можливість відкласти його подання до 2021 року, того року, коли набере чинності новий стандарт МСФЗ 17 "Щодо договорів страхування".


The Y revolution? An international survey on Generation Y

Find out about Generation Y's aspirations and relationship with gender equality and business in this international survey conducted by Mazars and Women'Up.


Mazars’ Dispute Resolution Survey 2013

This fourth edition of our annual survey on litigation and arbitration trends in the UK reflects the insight and opinions of some of the country’s top litigators and arbitrators around the world.


Understanding financial risk: practices and trends

While the ability to manage financial risk enables a company to limit the occurrence and exposure of financial risks on performance, it also presents companies with some major challenges according to a recent study by Mazars.


How the major European construction and engineering companies are managing the economic downturn

The strategies developed by major companies in the construction and public works sector are key to understanding their performance against a macroeconomic backdrop that has worsened considerably since the financial crisis.


Jumping the Talent Curve: Mazars Insurance Talent Study for Asia

The Asian insurance market growth potential is tremendous, Yet how can the industry achieve this when it fails to attract talents?


Indian Automotive Industry | Expectation survey 2014

Since its economic liberalisation, India has experienced record growth. Mazars conducted a survey to provide a forward-looking vision on the evolution of this market by collecting the opinions of Executives in the automotive industry.


2014 French Fashion and Luxury Study

To strengthen the competitiveness of the fashion and luxury industry value-chains, a committee led by the French Ministry in charge of competitiveness, industry and services (DGIS: Direction Générale de la Compétitivité, de l‘Industrie et des Services) has commissioned Mazars to conduct a study to “identify all French fashion and luxury industry players and map their contributions to external trade” – a first step in the major challenge of ensuring the industry’s sustainability.
