Вісник “Beyond the GAAP”, липень-серпень

Експерти групи Mazars підготували черговий випуск № 80 вісника про міжнародні стандарти бухгалтерського обліку «Beyond the GAAP».



  • IFRS Highlights
    • The IASB publishes the full and final version of IFRS 9 on financial instruments!
    • Recognition of deferred tax assets for unrealised losses
    • Narrow-scope amendment to IAS 27 – Equity method in Separate Financial Statements
  • European Highlights
    • European Commission launches consultation on the impact of IFRSs
    • EFRAG to hold outreach event on the Leases project
  • A Closer Look
    • The IASB clarifies the accounting treatment of joint arrangements
  • Events & FAQ

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Beyond the GAAP_​no.80 - July-August 2014
Index-July-August 2014

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