Yuliia Sushko Audit Director, Audit department

Key expertise
- Before joining Forvis Mazars Yulia worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte as an audit manager. She was in charge of full scope of the audit engagements.
- Yulia’s expertise includes full support of the audit team during the engagement, preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements (UAS/IFRS), SOX reporting, budgeting; audit of all cycles of financial statements under ISA and GAAS, workshops for Client accounting personnel etc.
- Yulia has experience of working for companies in such industries as: telecommunication (IFRS and SOX reporting), retail, outsourcing, software development, NGOs.
Education and qualification
- Kyiv National Economy University, MA in Economics
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (АССА, UK)
Main focus
- Project management
- IFRS and SOX reporting
- Audit of financial statements under ISA and GAAS
- Ukrainian
- English